Monday, January 12, 2009

Team Fortress 2 - Review

A nice big picture.... Today I'll be reviewing "Team Fortress 2" (tf2). This game is for the PC, Xbox, and the PS3. TF2 is only a multiplayer game. There is no one player option. So this means there is really no story. I'll try.

Like the first one, Team Fortress 2 is focused around two opposing teams competing for an objective. These two teams are meant to represent competing contracting firms. Reliable Excavation Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU). Players can choose to play as one of nine classes in these teams, each with his own unique strengths and weaknesses. Although the abilities of a number of classes have changed from earlier Team Fortress incarnations, the basic elements of each class have remained. The game was released with six official maps, although seven extra maps and five arena maps have been included in subsequent updates. There are about five different game modes, but you can only play a certain game mode on a certain map. 9.3

This game is a first-person shooter. The guns are from ordinary pistols to shotguns to snipers and such. But, there are some exceptions. There can be RPGs or mini-guns or even floor based sentry guns. But what really makes this game are classes. Before each game you can choose one out of nine classes. You can change them in the middle of the game. The nine classes are pyro (has a flamethrower), engineer (can build things like sentry guns to teleporters), spy (can pose as a member of the opposing team), heavy (has the weapon of a minigun, a lot of health), sniper( sniper), scout (runs very fast) , soldier (has an RPG), demoman (has a grenade launcher), and medic (has the ability to heal other players). Each class has a strength and weakness. You can't have a whole team of pryos, for example. 9.5

This game is a very good looking game. This definitely looks like a seventh generation game. The look of the characters is very retro and looks like The Incredibles. The characters movement and taunts fit the character, i.e. the Scout, who is from Boston, says " Do ya' want a piece of this?" while the Russian Heavy says some fractured English. The explosions and such look pretty good, but sound superb. The voice fits each class very well. 9.8

This game is my most favorite PC game (exclude Half Life). It is very intense and fun if you find the right game.

Score.... 9.6

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