Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Hell

Militant Vegans
Circle I Limbo

General asshats
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

George Bush
Circle IV Rolling Weights

Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Circle VII Burning Sands

Osama bin Laden
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flash Game of the Week : Music Catch 2

I, like most internet-using people, like flash games. They're short addicting games that don't take a big gaming computer to play. So, these articles have to be short. Let's start.

So I was really bored today, waiting for something to happen on the interwebs, when I decide to see if anything is new on Newgrounds. There's always new things on Newgrounds. The first game I played was "Tetris'd". This was a game where you are in a Tetris game dodging the blocks. This was really fun, and will probably be a future FGOW. Now, after I died for the 15th time on that one, I decided to go to a simpler, less intense game. Hence, Music Catch 2. I look in the "Recommend Games" bar to the side of it, and at the bottom is Music Catch. After I click on it, there's some stupid Frebreeze ad that lasts for a millennium, and then I'm taken to a simpler place.
A place of new-age, cool-down music. Where the only needs are to catch music icons and to steer clear of red icons. The point of the game is to collect music notes, an occasional yellow, point-multiplayer note, and not touch red notes. It was super simple and easy, and just fun to play. My highest multiplayer was x70 and my final score was 198,000. This game is really fun and I recommend it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prototype - Review

The sandbox, parkour game about New York being infected, yeah, that ol' cliche.

You play as Alex Mercer, a shape-shifting, amnesiac who wakes up on a morgue slab in the basement of GENTEK, a large and influential genetic engineering company. After an encounter with several armed soldiers, Alex escapes and sets out to recover his memory and find out exactly what occurred. He soon discovers he now possesses powerful shape-shifting abilities that grant him tremendous strength, speed, weaponry and the ability to "consume" people to gain their memories, skills and appearance. With no memory of his previous life, Alex is forced to track down and consume those related to the conspiracy in order to uncover the truth.
During his quest, Alex faces two factions, one is the military, composed primarily of Marines fronting a ruthless black operations unit known only as Blackwatch. Blackwatch is a Fork Derrick special forces unit dedicated to combating biological warfare. Captain Cross, a Blackwatch officer, is specifically given orders to find and contain Alex. As Manhattan slowly begins to fall apart, Alex also faces the Infected, consisting of civilians who have contracted a strange virus and powerful monsters known as Hunters. Now then, Alex meets up with his sister, Dana, who throughout the game helps Alex out and plays that "HQ-intelligence" character. Now, when I was playing this, the story never really drew me in. I always wanted to skip the cutscenes (which are incredible long) and get on with the killing, which, really is most of the game. 7.5

Now, the gameplay is broken into two parts, 1) Parkour and 2) Combat. 1) Parkour feats Alex can perform are running up the sides of skyscrapers, jumping hundreds of meters at a time, gliding through the air and sprinting at extreme speed indefinitely. Falls do not damage the player no matter the height, but greater ones will visibly deform the ground. 2) Alex may use various weapons, seize and control military vehicles including helicopters, perform various melee attacks without shapeshifting, as well as more gymnastic moves such as air combos, sliding along the ground using an enemy's body as a skateboard and a flying high-speed rolling cannonball attack. Alex can regain health by consuming biomass, though over time he can regenerate to a limited degree out of combat. Alex's primary superpower is his ability to shapeshift, transforming parts of his body into a selection of martial implements acquired over the course of the game, either as purchased 'upgrades' or being given them. Offensive powers include the large and powerful Blade, fast razor-sharp Claws (which can also erupt large spikes from the ground), the telescoping Whipfist, Musclemass that augments brute physical strength and the dense club-like Hammerfists. Defensive options consist of a large Shield that needs to regenerate after excessive damage, and a full-body Armor that exchanges agility and speed for sheer toughness; both will allow Alex to plow through most obstacles when active. Vision modes include Thermal, which allows Alex to see enemies through smoke and other obstacles, and Infected, which cuts out sound and highlights the Infected, though leeches away Alex's health if he uses it too long. Any combination of one defensive and offensive power each may be active, but will give away Alex's presence and drop a disguise if any is in use. The most powerful attacks are the Devastators, requiring Alex to be in Critical Mass - either a state of near-death or having excess stored biomass. These include the Tendril Barrage, which fires impaling tendrils from his body in all directions, the Groundspike Graveyard, which erupts massive spikes from the ground all around Alex and the Critical Pain, which fires a single beam of hardened biomass from his hands to cause damage on a single target.
Back in there I mentioned 'upgrades'. These take experience to buy, and can be bought for either combat or parkour. But, throughout the game, I've been having flashbacks to my earlier gaming days, SpiderMan games. The hauntingly frustrating games of SpiderMan. Most of the time, it feels like they slapped on more gore on a SpiderMan game. The gliding feels like web-slinging, both can climb NEW YORK buildings, and the combat feels strangely familiar... 7.9

Everything in the game is dull, simply. Facial animations and appearance, buildings, and the color palette is very one dimensional. It doesn't look like a 2009 game. I mean, there's not really anything else to say... 6.3

Yes, the game has redeeming points, but not redeeming enough. If it looks really good to you, rent it. Don't buy it. 7.2

Monday, June 22, 2009

Free Arrested Development!

Everyone, if you have notseen Arrested Development, here's your chance. The pilot is a free download on iTunes. Go quickly, I do not know how much longer it'll be free. Go!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The 3: May 2009

Hey, the 3 is when I talk about three games I'm looking forward to.

Red Faction: Guerrilla
Red Faction is awesome. Well, at least the demo, but even if the game is half as good as the demo, it'll still be incredible. The things that got me hooked on this game is destructible environments, multiplayer, and single player. The destructible environments are some much fun to play around in and destroy. You can: blow them up, crash into them with cars, put a black hole near them, or just watch them tumble to the ground. a the start, I was just buying the game for that. Plus, the multiplayer looks so fun. Destruction Crew is were you compete against your friends to see who can destroy a building the best and fastest. There is so many more multiplayer games you can play.
Also, the single player looks like it can be about 20 hours of gameplay.

Like every gamer, I hate Gamestop. They never deliver! I preorder inFAMOUS, I don't get a demo code. So that means, I basically only know what I can see from videos. Since one of my most favorite game/series, Sly Cooper, was made by Sucker Punch, I really cannot wait for this. The demo is coming out tomarrow, so it's going to be interesting to see how it plays. The control sceme looks really simple. The game just plan out looks really fun. The good and evil plan also looks great, a addition which should be added to more games. To see some gameplay, just search infamous in youtube. There is a lot of great videos out there.

Bioshock 2
Bioshock being one of the best games ever made, I'm just a little excited for the sequel. Words can't be said about Bioshock, just watch this video.

Monday, January 12, 2009

EDIT// Team Fortress 2 - Review

Hey, sorry about the picture. At least you can see the pryo and the engie. Right?

Team Fortress 2 - Review

A nice big picture.... Today I'll be reviewing "Team Fortress 2" (tf2). This game is for the PC, Xbox, and the PS3. TF2 is only a multiplayer game. There is no one player option. So this means there is really no story. I'll try.

Like the first one, Team Fortress 2 is focused around two opposing teams competing for an objective. These two teams are meant to represent competing contracting firms. Reliable Excavation Demolition (RED) and Builders League United (BLU). Players can choose to play as one of nine classes in these teams, each with his own unique strengths and weaknesses. Although the abilities of a number of classes have changed from earlier Team Fortress incarnations, the basic elements of each class have remained. The game was released with six official maps, although seven extra maps and five arena maps have been included in subsequent updates. There are about five different game modes, but you can only play a certain game mode on a certain map. 9.3

This game is a first-person shooter. The guns are from ordinary pistols to shotguns to snipers and such. But, there are some exceptions. There can be RPGs or mini-guns or even floor based sentry guns. But what really makes this game are classes. Before each game you can choose one out of nine classes. You can change them in the middle of the game. The nine classes are pyro (has a flamethrower), engineer (can build things like sentry guns to teleporters), spy (can pose as a member of the opposing team), heavy (has the weapon of a minigun, a lot of health), sniper( sniper), scout (runs very fast) , soldier (has an RPG), demoman (has a grenade launcher), and medic (has the ability to heal other players). Each class has a strength and weakness. You can't have a whole team of pryos, for example. 9.5

This game is a very good looking game. This definitely looks like a seventh generation game. The look of the characters is very retro and looks like The Incredibles. The characters movement and taunts fit the character, i.e. the Scout, who is from Boston, says " Do ya' want a piece of this?" while the Russian Heavy says some fractured English. The explosions and such look pretty good, but sound superb. The voice fits each class very well. 9.8

This game is my most favorite PC game (exclude Half Life). It is very intense and fun if you find the right game.

Score.... 9.6

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Psychonauts - Review

Hi. This will be the first review for Biff's Games (let's call it B.G.). Reviews will be broken into story, gameplay, and presentation (graphics, frame rate, etc.). The end total will be the average of the three's points (1-10). I'll be reviewing Psychonauts. You can get it in the Xbox Originals.

Psychonauts is about ten year old Raz, a circus acrobatic who runs away to pursue a psychic career. Raz goes the Whispering Rock Summer Camp where psychic kids go to become a Psychonaut. Psychonauts are government agents who are psychic. He goes there, learns a couple things, and finds out about a diabolical plot to enslave the other kids at the camp to create an psychic army. Raz must then go into other people's minds to stop this. I would like to say more but I would be spoiling the game. This with the hilarious humor of the game, good characters and cool minds to go into this is a awesome story. 9

The genre of this game is platform/action-adventure. This means there is no shooting, V.A.T.S. stuff in this game. Well, there is a part where you dodge sniper fire, but that five minutes of the game. What changes the gameplay of this game from other games is the psychic powers. You unlock them as you go through the game and they help you defeat bosses and puzzles. These include telekinesis, levitation, invisibility, pyrokinesis, clairvoyance, PSI Shield, PSI Blast and confusion. Also, Raz can swing on bars and such because he's a circus acrobatic. But Psychonauts isn't the perfect game. A little more than midway in the game there is a huge difficulty peak without warning. Now this will want you to throw all your belongings in a wood chipper, but it's worth it just to play everything else. 8.5


Psychonauts was released in 2005 the sixth console generation. It was then moved for the PC/Steam and Xbox Originals. The graphics had a little graphic tweak but don't expect anything jaw dropping. The style of the game is very cool though. See the picture on top. The frame rate is average... yeah. The voice acting is great. Each character has a voice which fits them perfectly. 9

Psychonauts is one of my most favorite games. I highly advise that you buy the game. Advise? Is that the right word... whatever.

Score... 8.8

[insert title here]

Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming to the blog. Sorry for the title, I'm still a little tired. Anyway, the point of this blog is video games. Later in "Biff's Games", I will review, preview, and post gameplay of new (and maybe older) games. Look for posts on the weekends and some weekdays. -Biff